Dear white individuals, get up: Canada is racist

Roughly 4,000 individuals collected at Vancouver's City Hall on Aug. 19 to demonstration an anti-immigration and anti-Muslim white nationalist rally. They much out-numbered the white nationalist demonstrators. Later on, one counter-protester spoke with by CBC-TV information stated: "I've never ever seen a racist." Did that counter-protester concern the rally wishing to see a racist? What do racists appear like, anyhow? Are they quickly identifiable? Possibly he was picturing a stereotypical neo-Nazi? Although his declaration was naive and troublesome, it really shows typical misconceptions of white superiority and racism in Canada. It likewise shows the legendary Canadian narrative of inclusivity and variety. Canadians commonly think their nation to be a tranquil, multicultural nation without racism. Yet civils rights activists and crucial race scholars offer proof that inequity is woven right into the material of Canadian organizations and normalized in daily methods...